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Epifanie 03

Mostra a cura di Antonio Biasiucci

Photolux Festival

Villa Bottini, Lucca

21 maggio - 12 giugno 2022

The Epifanie / 03 exhibition was a guest in the spaces of Villa Bottini during the Photolux Festival 2022 in Lucca, directed by Enrico Stefanelli.

The photographers' projects arise from an urgency, which finds in photography not only a technical medium for restoring the image but an introspective, in some cases therapeutic, tool. The relational dimension that acts as the backbone of the whole laboratory emerges on the whole: relationship with the subjects portrayed in the photographs, with whom a relationship of exploration and knowledge is established that leads to the final result, but also and above all with the companions of the adventure. Antonio Biasiucci is the one who ignites dialogue, makes it possible in a horizontal dimension where the exchange is continuous and therefore always formative. It will be for this reason that, despite the absolute diversity and independence of individual research in terms of subjects, themes and approaches to the photographic medium, some suggestions return from one project to another in a game of assonances that returns an organic picture, understood here just as an organism whose parts complement each other. Common traces declined in different ways, but useful to outline a possible path. There is, for example, the relationship with the sacred and the supernatural, which is expressed in the dimension of the rite. Above all, the ever-present tension between the individual and the universal, the micro and the macro, the personal and the collective.

[Critical text taken from LAB03: between words and images by Alessandra Troncone]

Artists on show: Paolo Covino, Alessandro Gattuso, Valeria Laureano, Laura Nemes-Jeles, Claire Power,   Ilaria Sagaria, Giuseppe Vitale, Tommaso Vitiello

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